Alfredo – $65,000

This big and extremely tough 3 year old, 95 pound boy won’t be for a first time protection dog owner. He is extremely clear headed and also extremely strong.
Alfredo is an import from Germany and has a pedigree stacked with champions.
“Fredo” is titled in IPO which is the national protection sport of Germany. But that wasn’t enough. Because of his natural learning abilities, we decided to train and title him in French Ring Sport where he excelled. We were also asked by several people to breed him to their females.
Believe it or not, this dog is probably smarter than a lot of people because he understands German, English and French.
Because he was raised in a family and around other animals, Mr. Fredo is totally neutral to horses, dogs, cats and even chickens.
And let me tell you, this guy can definitely put a hurting on a bad guy. Even thru a fully padded protection suit, he has a bite that will make you cry. The bad guys won’t have a chance with this spectacular canine by your side.
Call us today @ 301-346-7403
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potential threat.