Protection Dogs for Businesses

The have nots want what the haves have, but they don’t want to work for it. They want to take it. If you’re a business owner, you are a target whether you like it or not. If you have a retail store, anyone can just walk in from the street with a gun, club, knife or other weapon and demand you give them your hard earned money. AND, they just may choose to eliminate you and your customers as witnesses.

If you have a wholesale business, you are normally more isolated from Police help because you’re most likely located in a warehouse district or a business park. Sometimes there are no other businesses around at all when the nature of your business puts you in an isolated location.

All the above types of enterprises could use a business protection dog.

What’s the Alternative?

Rent-a-Cop ‘Unarmed’ Security Guard


  • Sometimes live security can give you a break on your insurance rates.
  • They can run and get donuts and coffee when the secretary is out sick.


  • People take lunch and other breaks. To have continuous coverage, you would have to have more than one person on duty.
  • The costs can be staggeringly high to have very poorly trained people (with poor temperaments to put it in dog language) supposedly protecting you.
  • Frequently can be texting and playing games on their smart phone instead of paying constant attention to protecting your business.
  • Can make your customers nervous making them think you are worried about robberies in your store.
  • Do you really think an hourly paid rent-a-cop is going to lay it on the line to save you and your business? Do you think his out-of-date pepper spray canister is going to stop a bunch of determined armed robbers? Hahahaha. I had an ex marine security guard as a roommate for several years and I saw the total idiots hired by the security company he worked for (I might add this was a Federal Government Contract). OMG. What losers! I could write a reality show based on the characters from his company.

Rent-a-Cop ‘Armed’ Security Guard


  • Can be a deterrent to lower level criminals
  • Sometimes live security can give you a break on your insurance rates.
  • If trained well (and that’s a BIG IF), they may be able to stop an armed attack.
  • They can still run and get donuts and coffee when the secretary is out sick.


  • People take lunch and other breaks. To have continuous coverage, you would have to have more than one person on duty.
  • The costs can be more staggeringly high to have very poorly trained armed people (with poor temperaments to put it in dog language) supposedly protecting you. Did you know in many states it only takes 12 hours of instruction to carry a handgun as an armed guard? You shouldn’t expect much from people working for these companies and virtually none of them have ever been in a real violent encounter.
  • Frequently can be texting and playing games on their smart phone instead of paying constant attention to protecting your business.
  • Can make your customers nervous making them think you are worried about robberies in your store.
  • Potential liability from bullets hitting innocent bystanders and customers (That doesn’t mean we wouldn’t have guns protecting our businesses. It just means there should be a high level of training to go along with the gun.)

Off Duty Police


  • Much higher level of professionalism.
  • Sometimes live security can give you a break on your insurance rates.
  • Much higher level of training
  • If experienced, will be much more capable of recognizing trouble before it’s too late.
  • If experienced, have most likely been in multiple violent encounters.
  • They love donuts hahaha (Just kidding)


  • People take lunch and other breaks. To have continuous coverage, you would have to have more than one person on duty.
  • The costs can still be very high.
  • Still a possibility of liability from stray bullets as in ‘armed guards’ above.
  • Can make your customers nervous making them think you are worried about robberies in your store.

In House Security Team ‘Armed or Unarmed’


  • You control the level of training
  • You control the quality of the personnel
  • All buff men and women that don’t eat donuts hahaha


  • Will be extremely expensive with payroll, payroll taxes, ongoing training
  • Will most likely have access to keys, electronic locks, etc. making them susceptible to bribery and to participating in inside theft jobs and industrial espionage.

Other Security Measures Work Well With a Business Protection Dog

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